is a custom hook that allows you to detect clicks outside of
a specified element. In the example below we use it to close a modal when any
element outside of the modal is clicked. By abstracting this logic out into a
hook we can easily use it across all of our components that need this kind of
functionality (dropdown menus, tooltips, etc)
import { useOnClickOutside } from '@dwarvesf/react-hooks'
function Example() {function Modal({ title, content, onClose }) {const ref = React.useRef(null)// Call hook to lock body scrolluseOnClickOutside(ref, onClose)return (<divstyle={{backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',zIndex: 9999,display: 'flex',justifyContent: 'center',alignItems: 'center',top: 0,left: 0,right: 0,bottom: 0,position: 'absolute',}}><div style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', padding: '30px' }} ref={ref}><h2>{title}</h2><p>{content}</p></div></div>)}function App() {// State for our modalconst [modalOpen, setModalOpen] = useState(false)return (<div><button onClick={() => setModalOpen(true)}>Show Modal</button>{modalOpen && (<Modaltitle="Try clicking outside"content="The modal should be closed 😎"onClose={() => setModalOpen(false)}/>)}</div>)}return <App />}
The useOnClickOutside
hook accepts an optional object with the following
Name | Type | Default | Description |
ref | React.RefObject | _ | The ref of the element. |
callback | (event) => void | _ | The callback when clicking outside the element. |