
truncate is a utility to truncate a long string.


import { truncate } from '@dwarvesf/react-utils'

Return value#

This method returns a truncated string with a ... middle or ending.


function Example() {
return (
<Box>{truncate('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 20)}</Box>
<Box>{truncate('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 10, true)}</Box>

Masking character#

Alternatively, you can use other character instead of ".", for example "*":

function Example() {
return (
<Box>{truncate('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 10, true, "*")}</Box>


The truncate method accepts an list of following paramesters:

truncate(str, max, middle)
strstring_The string to truncate.
maxnumber_The maximum string length.
middlebooleanfalseWhether to put ... in the middle or at the end of the truncated string.
maskCharstring"."What to use as the masking character when truncating.
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